Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mustang Marathoners Update

We are approaching the end of our 26.2 miles!  In order to receive a medal, all miles must be completed by March.  Mustang Marathoners have two options for completing their Progressive Marathon.

Option #1 - Modesto Marathon 5K (3 mile run) – March 18, 2012
We have partnered with the Modesto Marathon as an option for the Mustang Marathoners Progressive Marathon culmination.  Members who wish to complete their last 3 miles at the Modesto Marathon event will need to register for the run on the Modesto Marathon website. The price of the 5K is $15 for students and $20 for adults.  The price will increase after February 18th.  A meeting place has been set up at the event for the Mustang Marathoners Running Club Members to gather and receive their medals.

Click on the link for
Click on Register Now
Select the bubble for the 5K race.

Option #2 - Woodward Mustang Marathon Completion
Members also have the option of completing their last miles at school. Run days will continue on Mondays and Thursdays until March 22nd.  On March 22nd, members who have completed their 26.2 miles will receive their medals at school.

Please complete the form indicating your option choice.

Anyone who has missed a Run Day and needs to make up miles, may record miles completed off campus and submit to a Running Club Coordinator.  It is each member’s responsibility to ensure they have completed 26.2 miles.

Mile Tracking Form

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