Friday, January 11, 2013

Updates and Reminders

  • All Mustang Marathoners should wear their Running Club shirt on Monday, January 14th.  We will be taking a group photo before we run on Monday.
  • Anyone who has not yet received their Running Club shirt, please see Mrs. Crippen.
  • We have now completed 7 miles!
  • Anyone who completes extra miles off campus, may bring a note to a Run Day to receive their extra toe tokens.
  • All Running Club Members need to be picked up on Run Days BY 3:30.  The office has been very busy supervising students who have not been picked up on time.
  • Any members who have lost their bracelets and toe tokens should see Mrs. Crippen for a replacement.  The replacement fee is $1.
  • Mark your calendars!  All Running Club Members will have the option of completing their Progressive Marathon at the Hit the Streets for Hunger Run on Saturday, April 6th.

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